Why is college important at all? What are the different kinds of colleges?
Why do adults keep saying you must go to college? Why is college important at all? While not everyone may need to go to college to make a living, some form of college is most definitely helpful and can make your life easier, less financially stressed. According to 2021 U.S. Department of Labor data, with every level of educational degree completion beyond high school, Americans have experienced increasingly less unemployment and more earnings as full-time workers. 1 Furthermore, the more knowledge you have, whether through work experience or formal education, the more resourceful you will be as you make everyday and work decisions. Hence, why not try to have both experience and higher education?
There are many kinds of colleges from which to choose. Some are 4 years toward a bachelors degree. Some are 2 years toward an associate degree. Some are liberal arts, with a greater emphasis on the humanities, arts, literature and the social sciences. Some are science and technology oriented. Still, some are technical and vocational, teaching you more practical skills, such as to become a mechanic or a doctor’s assistant. Your choice will depend on your goals, including whether you like more theoretical or practical knowledge or a combination of both, what careers you are interested in, and finally, also, how quickly you want or need to join the workforce, regardless of future prospects.
Although there are many different kinds of colleges, they will be after you graduate from high school, and so each will add to your repertoire of knowledge and help you grow substantially in both knowledge and earning capacity.
U.S. Department of Labor Statistics, Current Population Survey. Education Pays, Earnings and unemployment rate by educational attainment, 2021. Last modified Sept. 8, 2022, https://www.bls.gov/emp/chart-unemployment-earnings-education.htm. Accessed 24, May, 2023